Этот путеводитель поможет вам получить удовольствие от пребывания в
Калифорнии. В разделе "Знакомство с Калифорнией" содержится информация
об истории и культуре Калифорнии. Путеводитель разделен на десять
соответствующих районам штата глав плюс "Лос-Анджелес, Сан-Франциско и
Бэй Эреа", где вы найдете подробную информацию об основных
достопримечательностях. Раздел "Советы путешественникам" поможет вам
выбрать рестораны, отели, магазины и развлечения. В разделе "Сферы и
службы жизнеобеспечения" содержится практическая информация.
This guide will help you to get the most out of a visit to Germany,
providing expert recommendations as well as thoroughly researched
practical information.The first section, Introducing Germany, locates
the country geographically and provides an invaluable historical and
cultural context. Succeeding sections describe the main sights and
attractions of the different regions and major cities. Feature spreads,
with maps and photographs, focus on important sights. Information on
accommodation and restaurants is provided in Travellers' Needs, while
the Survival Guide has useful tips on everything you need to know from
money to getting around.
Свыше 750 цветных фотографий путеводителя покажут вам Москву в наилучшем
виде. Уникальные схемы и планы будут вашими гидами по музеям - другие
вам просто не понадобятся. На подробной и точной карте города вы легко
найдете нужную улицу или район. Практические советы - где спросить, как
доехать, откуда позвонить. Отели, рестораны, кафе и бары на любой вкус и
Packed with Photographs, Illustrations and Maps. Four Great Days Out in
Dublin. Cutaways and Floorplans of All the Major Sights. 3-d aerial
Views of
Dublin's Most Interesting Districts. Huge Selection of Hotels,
Restaurants, Shops and Entertainment Venues. Three Specially Devised
Walking Tours.
Этот путеводитель (на английском языке) поможет вам лучше познакомиться
с Прагой и получить максимум удовольствия и незабываемые впечатления от
This Dorling Kindersley travel guide helps you to get the most from
your visit to Las Vegas by providing detailed practical information and
expert recommendations. Introducing Las Vegas maps the city and region,
setting it in its historical and cultural context, and describes events
through the entire year. Las Vegas at a Glance is an overview of the
city’s main attractions. Las Vegas Area by Area starts on page 34.
is the main sightseeing section, which covers all the important
sights, with maps, photographs, and illustrations. Farther Afield looks
at sights just outside the city, while Beyond Las Vegas explores other
inviting locations within easy reach of the city. Information about
hotels, restaurants, shops, entertainment, and sports is found in
Travelers’ Needs. The Survival Guide has advice on everything from using
the postal service and the telephone system to Las Vegas’s medical
services and public transport system.
This guide helps you to get the most from your stay in Istanbul. It
provides both expert recommendations and detailed practical advice.
Introducing Istanbul locates the city geographically, sets Istanbul in
its historical and cultural context and gives an overview of the main
attractions. Istanbul Area by Area is the main sightseeing section,
giving detailed information on all the major sights plus three
recommended walks, with photographs, maps and illustrations throughout.
Greater Istanbul looks at sights outside the city centre. The Bosphorus
guides you through a trip up the straits, and Excursions from Istanbul
explores other places within easy reach of the city. Tips for
restaurants, hotels, entertainment and shopping are found in Travellers’
Needs, while the Survival Guide contains useful advice on everything
from personal security to public transport.
Drawing on the same standards of accuracy as the acclaimed DK
Eyewitness Travel Guides, each book in DK's Top 10 series uses evocative
color photography, excellent cartography, and up-to-date travel content
to create a reliable and useful pocket-sized travel guide. Dozens of
Top 10 lists provide vital information on each destination, as well as
insider tips, from uncovering a city's most memorable sights to finding
the best restaurants and hotels in each neighborhood. And to save you
time and money, there's even a Top 10 list of Things to Avoid. Each Top
10 contains a pull-out map and guide that includes fold-out maps of city
metro systems, useful phone numbers, and 60 great ideas on how to spend
your day.
Привлекая те же самые стандарты точности как
приветствуемые путеводители DK, каждая книга в Топ-10 ДК использует
вызывающую воспоминания цветную фотографию, превосходную картографию и
актуальное содержание путешествия, чтобы создать надежный и полезный
карманный путеводитель. Десятки Лучших 10 списков обеспечивают важную
информацию о каждом предназначении, так же как подсказки посвященного
лица, от раскрытия самых незабываемых достопримечательностей города к
нахождению лучших ресторанов и отелей в каждом районе. И сэкономить Вам
время и деньги, есть даже Лучшие 10 списков Вещей Избежать. Каждый
Лучшие 10 содержат карту отступления, и ведите, который включает
складные карты городских систем метро, полезных номеров телефона и 60
прекрасных идей о том, как провести Ваш день.
Этот путеводитель поможет вам извлечь из пребывания в Риме максимум
удовольствия при минимальной затрате сил. "Введение" расскажет вам о
географическом положении города, его истории, о том, как меняется жизнь
римлян в каждом сезоне. Раздел "Рим: первое знакомство" представляет
собой краткий обзор городских достопримечательностей. Главный же раздел -
"Рим: район за районом" - познакомит вас с основными памятными местами,
отображенными на карте, в фотографиях и подробных иллюстрациях. Кроме
того, вам предлагается здесь шесть экскурсий по живописным уголкам Рима,
которые без нашего путеводителя вы можете упустить из вида. Подробные
сведения об отелях, магазинах и рынках, ресторанах и кафе,
местах спортивных зрелищ и развлечений содержатся в разделе "Информация
для туристов", а в разделе "Практические советы" вас проконсультируют
обо всем - начиная от того, как отправить письмо, до пользования метро.
Cracow is one of Europe's best-preserved medieval cities - a long
hidden gem that is now established as a bustling Central European
vacation destination. This DK Eyewitness Travel Guide will help you find
your way through cobbled alleys and discover the perfect pierogi. Our
highly visual guidebook will help to make your trip hassle-free and
pleasurable, and will serve as a souvenir long after your holiday is
over. Over 650 color photographs, maps &
illustrations. Four Great Days Out in Cracow Cutaways and floorplans
of all the major sights 3-D aerial views of Cracow''s most interesting
districts. Enlarged and enhanced full-color Street Finder mapping and
three specially devised walking tours.
As Berlin is laid out on an epic scale, this travel guide is organized
so that you can take in as much of the city as possible. It will guide
you to all of the interesting monuments, museums and art collections
Berlin has to offer, as well as giving you ideas for family fun and
where to go shopping. The maps, photographs, detailed illustrations, the
3-D aerial views of Berlin's most interesting districts and a huge
selection of hotels, restaurants, shops and entertainment venues makes
this guide the ultimate travel guide.
Don't want to travel like a tourist! Discover the coolest things to do
and the hippest places to be in this new travel guide series that brings
DK knowledge and style to a web savvy audience. Building on the success
of the Eyewitness Travel Guides and Top 10 Travel Guides , DK has
created e>>guides, the perfect travel companions for the hip,
style-conscious traveler. Highlighting the best places to eat and shop,
and the coolest local hangouts, each guide has its own regularly updated
website, ideal for accessing the very latest each destination has to
Save time and find the 10 best of everything to see, buy, do, taste and
avoid - don't miss a thing! "Thank goodness for Top 10 guides" - "Mail
on Sunday". Whatever you plan to do - whether you are travelling first
class or on a limited budget - make sure you experience the best. With
this easy to use, quick reference guide that slips into your bag, you
can instantly find the top 10 leading attractions. Discover where to
shop till you drop on Grafton Street, Irish music venues, excursions
across Ireland, historic sites, most fun places for kids, liveliest bars
and clubs, tastiest restaurants, best hotels, inns and B&Bs for
every budget and much more.
Whether you are traveling first class or on a limited budget, this
Eyewitness Top 10 guide will lead you straight to the very best Cairo
and the Nile have to offer. Dozens of Top 10 lists - from the most
magnificent pyramids, tombs and temples to the best cruises along the
Nile - provide insider knowledge every visitor needs. And, to save you
time and money, there's even a list of the Top 10 Things to Avoid. Each
Top 10 now contains a pull-out map and guide that includes fold-out maps
of city metro systems, useful phone numbers, and 60 great ideas on how
to spend your day