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Главная » Статьи » Серийные издания » Путеводители "Adventure Guides"

Adventure Guide - Barbados

The easternmost of all the Caribbean islands, Barbados is uniquely situated so as to avoid virtually all hurricanes. Its 166 square miles of forests, cliffs, fishing villages, wildlife, nightlife, and, of course beaches are surrounded by miles of coral reef teeming with an incredible array of sea life and shipwrecks. Some of the best sailing in the Caribbean is here, with southeasterly trade winds to carry you across the water. This is a land rich in history and culture, with an abundance of wildlife, beauty and nature.
There are only four guidebooks on the island and most are badly out-of-date. With 500,000 tourists visiting per year, Barbados is a major attraction with very little guidebook competition. Details the best diving spots, all types of accommodations, dining, tours, local lore and festivals, services. Extensive background on the history, government and economy of the island. The author has been a regular visitor for over 20 years. Filled with inside information on which festivals are worth your time, where to find the best Bajan music, classes that will teach you the local cooking and artistic styles, Other guides are mostly out of date. None takes the Adventure Guide perspective that this one does, immersing you in the local culture and in the active things to do on the island. Today s traveler is eager to explore not just sit on a beach.

Название: Adventure Guide - Barbados
Автор: Keith Whiting
Издательство: Hunter Publishing
Страниц: 260
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 Мб
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Английский
Жанр: путеводители
Год издания: 2008
ISBN: 1588436381

Категория: Путеводители "Adventure Guides" | Добавил: Toshkolab (28.01.2012)
Просмотров: 565 | Теги: Барбадос | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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