DK Eyewitness Travel's full-color guidebooks to hundreds of destinations
around the world truly show you what others only tell you. They have
become renowned for their visual excellence, which includes unparalleled
photography, 3-D mapping, and specially commissioned cutaway
illustrations. DK Eyewitness Travel Guides are the only guides that work
equally well for inspiration, as a planning tool, a practical resource
while traveling, and a keepsake following any trip.
Long summer days illuminate vibrant cities, where history blends with
cutting-edge design. The aurora borealis sways above a vast landscape of
wilderness, and dense forests and clear lakes frame picturesque wooden
cottages. Discover Sweden s captivating and diverse depths with this
insightful, expert guide. Explore inspiring itineraries, highlights and
planning information help you tailor your trip Get Out & About hike
above the Arctic Circle, cruise the Gota Canal or dogsled through
Lappland using our practical activities chapter Stay In Style from
country cabins to sleek designer hotels, hand-picked accommodation for
all budgets Celebrate Christmas markets, midsummer festivals and more,
Sweden s special events uncovered Be In The Know Norse legends, Sami
culture and modern design: history and culture coverage puts the country
in context
Этот путеводитель по Венеции делит этот изрезанный каналами город на
пять районов. Область Венето разделена на три географических района:
север лагуны, юг лагуны и остров Лидо; к ней относятся города Падуя,
Виченца и Верона. На карте вверху справа изображены эти районы. Каждый
центральный район Венеции в путеводителе обозначен своим цветом; цветные
полосы на страницах, посвященных каждой области, соответствуют цветам,
показанным на этой карте. Почти каждая достопримечательность, упомянутая
в книге, имеет ссылку на карты, находящиеся на клапанах обложки, в
начале и в конце книги. Путешествуете вы первым классом или ограничены в
бюджете, этот путеводитель Тор 10 проведет вас по самым лучшим местам
Венеции. Тор 10 - это списки 10 главных фестивалей, ресторанов, отелей и
магазинов, 10 самых интересных объектов Венеции и т. д. Вы
получите всю необходимую информацию о том, как сэкономить время,
деньги, а также практические советы - где спросить, как доехать, куда
позвонить и даже чего остерегаться. Пользуйтесь детальными картами на разворотах обложки и маленькими картами в тексте.
Путешествуете ли вы первым классом или автостопом, путеводитель "Тор 10"
приведет вас туда, куда нужно. Списки
"Тор 10" самых интересных достопримечательностей, отелей, ресторанов,
праздников, фестивалей, модных показов и даже того, чего следует
остерегаться, дают возможность успеть всюду и сэкономить ваши деньги.
Подробные карты на переднем и заднем раскладывающихся клапанах и
множество карт внутри помогут вам без труда найти дорогу.
DK Eyewitness Top 10 Guides make any destination accessible by
offering dozens of lists of the 10 best restaurants, bars,
neighborhoods, hotels, local attractions, and much more. With insider
tips for every visitor, the Top 10 series offers inside knowledge, and
now contains a pull-out map and guide that includes fold-out maps of
city metro systems, useful phone numbers, and 60 great ideas on how to
spend your day.
Visit the Reichstag and all the other sights in Berlin with this travel guide. It
features over 450 colour photographs and illustrations and includes
fold out maps. A special streetsmart section is packed with practical
information and insider tips. A concise, quick reference guide to the
ten best of everything including the ten best sights, restaurants,
entertainment, bars, festivals, shops and much more.
Кавказские Минеральные Воды - знаменитый курортный
район России -
интересен не только лечебными свойствами его природных богатств, но и
своей уникальной историей, а также людьми, которые навсегда вписали свои
имена в историю края. Одним из таких имен, конечно же, является имя
М.Ю.Лермонтова. Предлагаемое издание рассказывает об исторических
связанных с пребыванием на КМВ великого русского поэта. Ознакомившись с
ним,- вы больше узнаете о нелегкой жизни и трагической гибели Михаила
Лермонтова, так как его судьба неразрывно связана с Кавказом вообще и
Пятигорском в частности. Именно здесь, у подножия Машука, оборвалась его
недолгая жизнь.
В данном путеводителе Мюнхен разделен на четыре легко узнаваемых района. Имеется
раздел однодневных поездок и экскурсий по Баварии. На приведенной ниже
карте отражено размещение центральных районов, а также мест для
экскурсий (крайний справа район). Каждый район имеет свой цветовой код;
цветные полосы на страницах соответствуют цвету района на карте.
Практически каждое место, упомянутое в книге, снабжено ссылкой на карту,
которая соотносит вас с крупномасштабными картами на переднем и заднем
клапанах обложки.
Eyewitness Travel Guides are the original illustrated travel
guidebooks-and they're still the best. Since 1993, the Eyewitness brand
has established itself as one of the industry leaders, with sales of
more than 6.5 million copies in the U.S. alone. Featuring more than 70
worldwide destinations, new titles are being added to the best-selling
Eyewitness Travel Guides series each year. In 2003, to mark the 10th
anniversary of the publication of Eyewitness Travel Guides, DK is
re-launching the entire series, fully updated, and with a brand-new
Cambodia and Laos opened their doors to tourists in the late 80s and,
while at first a destination frequented by backpackers and thrill
seekers, its appeal has grown ever since. Blessed with stunning scenery
and one of the best cultural sights in the world, Angkor, both countries
now attract cultural sight-seekers and adventurous hikers, with their
unbeatable combination of stunning temples and unspoiled countryside
ideal for hiking, water sports, bird watching, and mountain biking.
DK Eyewitness Travel's full-color guidebooks to hundreds of destinations
around the world truly show you what others only tell you. They have
become renowned for their visual excellence, which includes unparalleled
photography, 3-D mapping, and specially commissioned cutaway
illustrations. DK Eyewitness Travel Guides are the only guides that work
equally well for inspiration, as a planning tool, a practical resource
while traveling, and a keepsake following any trip. All DK Eyewitness
Travel Guides to cities now include a new durable, oversized pull-out
map with useful transportation information, a distance chart, a street
and sight index, and practical information for getting around the city.
DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Boston will lead you straight to the best
attractions Boston has to offer, with over 500 detailed maps,
illustrations, and color photographs. You'll find detailed background
information on the best things to do in Boston, from visiting the
historical Harvard University and taking one of many historical walks to
watching the Boston Red Sox play. This best-selling travel guide is
packed with beautiful cutaways and floor plans of all Boston's major
sights, as well as 3D aerial views of its most interesting districts,
and now a new pull-out map with detailed sheet maps and useful
transportation information.
New Zealand owes its existence to undersea mountain building and is
known for its active volcanoes and geothermal features. It is a land of
fascinating cultures, combining the enduring history of the indigenous
Maori with the descendents of the English settlers. It also has unique
fauna and flora.
Этот путеводитель (на английском языке) поможет вам лучше познакомиться
с Прагой и получить максимум удовольствия и незабываемые впечатления от
This Eyewitness Travel Guide helps
you get the most from your stay in Prague with the minimum of
difficulty. The opening section, Introducing Prague, locates the city
geographically, sets modern Prague in its historical context and
describes events through the entire year. Prague at a Glance is an
overview of the city's main attractions, including a feature on the
River Vltava. Section two, Prague Area by Area, starts on page 58. This
is the main sightseeing section, which covers all the important sights,
with photographs, maps and drawings. It also includes day trips from
Prague and four guided walks around the city. Carefully researched tips
for hotels, restaurants, shops and markets, cafes and bars, enter-
tainment and sports are found in Travellers' Needs. The last section,
the Survival Guide, contains useful practical advice on all you need to
know, from making a telephone call to using the public transport system.
DK Eyewitness Travel's full-color guidebooks to hundreds of destinations
around the world truly show you what others only tell you. They have
become renowned for their visual excellence, which includes unparalleled
photography, 3-D mapping, and specially commissioned cutaway
illustrations. DK Eyewitness Travel Guides are the only guides that work
equally well for inspiration, as a planning tool, a practical resource
while traveling, and a keepsake following any trip.
Grade 8-10-As in most country studies, this book includes chapters on
physical and cultural geography, as well as on the history, government,
and economy. A concluding chapter speculates on the future of Georgia.
The authors are geographers and their perspective does distinguish this
title from others on the subject. They open with a thoughtful discussion
of whether Georgia is in Asia or Europe, underline the complexities of
its culture, and explain the artificiality of world divisions. However,
while some geographic terms are explained, others, such as "micro-scale
zones" and "trending barrier," are not. The book's main problem,
however, is that it is poorly written and includes typographical errors.
Students should not have to read that caves "have been use [sic] to
store wine." There are only two maps, neither of which indicates the
location of the autonomous regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia
described in the book, nor do they show the seaport of Supsa, important
because it is at the end of the new oil pipeline. Another anomaly is
that a recipe begins in the metric system and then switches to cups and
tablespoons. Michael Spilling's Georgia (Benchmark, 1997), while not
error-free, is better written, more informative, and has more and
much-sharper-focused, full-color photos.