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Completely updated every year, Frommer's Costa Rica features gorgeous color photos of the lush rainforest, the amazing array of wildlife, and the spectacular beaches that await you. Personally researched by a longtime resident, it's the only truly up-to-date guide that gives you such in-depth coverage of this fast-changing country, with recommended accommodations in every price category.
Путеводители "Frommers" | Просмотров: 498 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 27.09.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Токио - Иллюстрированный подробный путеводитель. Архитектура, магазины, театры, фестивали, рестораны, музеи, отели парки, ночная жизнь.
Путеводители "Eyewitness Travel" | Просмотров: 494 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 25.09.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Этот иллюстрированный путеводитель поможет вам провести максимальное полезное время во Флориде. Раздел "Знакомство с Флоридой" с картой штата рассказывает об истории и культуре региона. Раздел "Майами: район за районом" с картами, фотографиями и рисунками включает сведения об интересных местах города, начиная с архитектуры и заканчивая едой и спортом. В разделе "Флорида: район за районом" описаны важнейшие достопримечательности. "Советы туристам" - это подробные сведения о ресторанах, отелях, магазинах и развлечениях, а "Полезная информация" - детальные рекомендации по разным вопросам - от транспорта до мер безопасности.
Путеводители "Eyewitness Travel" | Просмотров: 421 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 24.09.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Этот красочный и удобный путеводитель от всемирного известного издательства Дорлинг Киндерсли поможет вам поближе познакомиться с Греческими островами. В нем найдете описания о достопримечательностях и памятниках культуры, музеях, монастырях, тавернах, отелях, деревнях, пляжах и.т.д. В нем приводятся подробнейшие практические сведения и советы знатоков. Есть глава про историю Греции. Подробно вы узнаете где можно вкусно поесть и удобно переночевать, а в конечной главе книги вы найдете подробные указания о телефонной сети, транспортной узлах и других особенностях жизни в Греции. Путеводитель богат более 1000-ю фотографиями, иллюстрациями и картами.
Путеводители "Дорлинг Киндерсли" | Просмотров: 942 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 18.09.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Этот красиво составленный цветной иллюстрированный путеводитель познакомит вас со столицей Франции - Парижем и поможет сориентироваться в большом городе. Раздел "Введение" рассказывает о географии Парижа, его истории и определяет сезонные вехи столичной жизни. Раздел "Париж: первое знакомство" дает подробную информацию о достопримечательностях города. Самый большой раздел путеводителя - "Париж: квартал за кварталом" - подробно рассказывает о важнейших памятниках культуры и музеях. В этом же разделе вам предлагают совершить 5 пешеходных экскурсий по живописным уголкам города. Раздел "Ночлег, еда, досуг" дает информацию о большом количестве отелей, ресторанов, баров, театров и магазинов, а "Практические советы" подскажут, как лучше организовать ваше пребывание в Париже.
Путеводители "Дорлинг Киндерсли" | Просмотров: 1505 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 15.09.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Using detailed maps, cutaways, floor plans and color Street Finder, navigate your way around the sprawling Medinas and magnificent ancient urban architecture while expert recommendations provide you with the best hotels, restaurants and nightlife. Soak up the endless flavors of the country with sights, beaches, markets and festivals listed region by region, town by town.
   And with special features explaining everything from the historic cultural mix of Berber, African and Arabic peoples, to details of the many ancient Kasbahs, mosques and colorful Souks, this comprehensive guide won't let you down.

Путеводители "Eyewitness Travel" | Просмотров: 432 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 15.09.2012 | Комментарии (0)

"The Rough Guide to Italy" is the definitive guide to this stunning country, with informed coverage of everything from boutique hotels and state-of-the art B&Bs to authentic trattorias, gelaterias and cafes. "Rough Guide" authors dig deep behind the scenes of ancient and contemporary Italy, bringing its historical sites to life and equipping the reader with all they need to key into the kind of break they seek, whether it be watersports or wine, football or food, Romans or Renaissance, beaches or Baroque.
From the cave city of Matera and the Baroque towns of the Val di Noto in the deep south to the internationally famous sites of Rome, Florence and Tuscany; "The Rough Guide to Italy" will help you explore every corner of the country. Accurate maps and comprehensive practical information, plus stunning photography and a full-colour introduction make "The Rough Guide to Italy" your ultimate travelling companion. Make the most of your trip with "The Rough Guide to Italy".
Путеводители "The Rough Guide" | Просмотров: 609 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 14.09.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Будва — город в Черногории, расположенный в центральной части адриатического побережья страны. Город является центром одноимённого муниципального округа. Будучи основанной 2500 лет назад, Будва является одним из самых древних поселений на берегах Адриатического моря. Будва и её окрестности образуют Будванскую ривьеру — крупнейший туристический центр Черногории, знаменитый своими песчаными пляжами, ночной жизнью и прекрасными образцами средиземноморской архитектуры.
Путеводители "In your Pocket" | Просмотров: 509 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 07.09.2012 | Комментарии (1)

Although the summer had a slow start with plenty of wind and rain, as we go to press the mercury has risen to over 30°C and we’re stewing in our own juices in our unairconditioned Old Riga office trying not to drip sweat on our laptop as we write these lines. Despite our inherent grumpy natures, we’re not complaining as we know that the autumn chill is on the horizon and that we have to milk the hot summer for all its worth.
Путеводители "In your Pocket" | Просмотров: 439 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 16.08.2012 | Комментарии (0)

As another scorching hot summer rolls across Vienna, the city quietens down a bit as many residents head out to explore the wider world, and the remaining local's daytime ambitions seem to extend no further than languidly cycling around or lazing in the parks. As a visitor, the best thing you can do is simply surrender to that summery feeling. Try doing so at one of the summertime beach bars, for example.
Путеводители "In your Pocket" | Просмотров: 401 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 15.08.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Sudan, the largest country in Africa, has been called one of the most politically unstable nations in the world. Throughout its long history, Sudan has experienced turmoil, and in the second half of the 20th century alone, millions of Sudanese were killed or displaced by civil war. The country was once a great empire, ruled by Nubia. Today, it is a bloody, war-torn country ruled by a power-hungry military government. The Sudanese had a brief respite from civil war in July 2002 when a ceasefire was declared between the Sudanese government and the Sudan People's Liberation Army. In 2004, another war that began in the northwestern region of Darfur caused outcry from the international community. Still, the Sudanese government remains defiantly indifferent to the calls to stop the violence. Although the UN's International Criminal Court has charged Sudan's leader with war crimes and crimes against humanity, little has changed. As a result, the UN estimates that 1.1 million people are without food and water and another million without healthcare. Sudan covers the history of this country torn apart by war and explores its people, culture, and government.

Издание "Modern World Nations" | Просмотров: 494 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 08.08.2012 | Комментарии (0)

After a soggy July, we hope now is the time for Berlin’s summer to shine. August is still a languid month, with many residents abroad for their holidays, and the calm Mitte streets seemingly only populated by foreign visitors, getting around on foot, in buses, on bikes and city tours. It’s still a great month for just sprawling on the lawn of a park with a cool drink in hand. The popular Long Night of the Museums on August 25 sees thousands enjoying Berlin’s rich heritage by night. In September the city’s pace picks up as people get back to work, the cultural season starts up, and a new batch of students arrives – and by the end of the month we’re back up to speed, together with the runners participating in the Berlin Marathon on 30 September. There’s still a chance to see Berlin at its calmest and coolest, on board of one of the river cruises.
Путеводители "In your Pocket" | Просмотров: 344 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 06.08.2012 | Комментарии (0)

DK Eyewitness Top 10: San Diego will lead you straight to the best attractions that this ocean side city has to offer. Whether you are looking for hip bars in the Gas Lamp Quarter, beautiful parks and gardens, or fun places for children, such as the world famous San Diego Zoo or SeaWorld, this guide is the perfect pocket sized companion.
Rely on the dozens of Top 10 lists, such as the Top 10 museums and art galleries, the Top 10 beaches, and Top 10 harbor sites. And to save you time and money, there's even a list of budget tips and the Top 10 things to avoid! DK Eyewitness Top 10: San Diego is packed with color illustrations, providing the insider knowledge that every visitor needs on a trip to this sunny city.
Each Top 10 guide now contains a pullout map and guide that includes foldout maps of city metro systems, useful phone numbers, and 60 great ideas on how to spend your day.
Путеводители "Eyewitness Travel" | Просмотров: 435 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 04.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)

DK Eyewitness Travel: Philadelphia & The Pennsylvania Dutch Country will lead you straight to the best attractions this region has to offer. Packed with detailed maps, including a new pull-out map with detailed sheet maps and useful transportation information, this guide explores every facet of this historic area.
Also included are beautiful cutaways and floor plans of all the major sites and suggestions for the best places to visit, from the Old City known as "America's most historic square mile," encompassing Independence Hall and the iconic Liberty Bell, to the outstanding museums, including the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. This DK Eyewitness Travel Guide provides all the insider tips every visitor to needs, with dozens of reviews of hotels, recommendations for restaurants, tips for shopping and all the best places for entertainment in Philadelphia & the Pennsylvania Dutch Country.
Путеводители "Eyewitness Travel" | Просмотров: 474 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 04.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Once at the center of one of the world's most ancient civilizations, Syria has seen its share of turmoil. Occupied by many empires throughout its history, Syria became part of the vast Ottoman Empire in 1516.  Following the breakup of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, Syria was put under French mandate by the League of Nations. It became independent in 1946, but continued to experience political instability until Hafez Assad gained power in a bloodless military coup on November 13, 1970. Since then, Syria has played a part in the Arab conflict in Israel and continued involvement in Lebanese and Palestinian affairs. Assad led the country for 30 years until his death in 2000. His son, Bashar, then became president and is credited with leading the country into the 21st century. However, Syria's alliances with violent Islamic military groups and Iran and its pursuit of advanced nuclear weapon capabilities have resulted in the United States placing sanctions on the country. In Syria, learn the storied history of this country that continues to be a major player in the Middle East and its politics.

Издание "Modern World Nations" | Просмотров: 525 | Добавил: Toshkolab | Дата: 28.06.2012 | Комментарии (0)

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